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Google Docs or drivers it is now known can be a powerful tool for getting opinions from people this tutorial will show you how to make Google Docs questionnaire make sure you are logged into your Google account and navigate to click the Create button to the left of the page and in the menu that appears click the forum option a new tab will open where you can create your forum which is essentially a questionnaire enter a name for the forum and enter a description if you wish below this you can enter your first question into the question title box you can select the type of answer required from the drop-down box such as text or multiple choice click done to add the question to your form to add additional questions to the forum click the add item button in the top left of the window in the drop-down list select the type of question that you want to add here we are adding a multiple-choice question about age you can enter some answer possibilities below in this case age ranges click done to add the question that is how to make a Google Docs questionnaire and to get people to fill in the form you need to share the link that can be found at the bottom of the page in the black bar to see responses to the forum navigate back to the design page and click the see responses button in the top right click summary to get an overview of the answers
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